Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Bell Moore Group Inc. Review: The Impact of the Mall to Society

Malls have become a part of every person’s social life and it has been around for about half a century now. It was originally conceived of as a community center where people would converge for shopping, cultural activity, and social interaction (Gruen & Smith, 1960). This complex building composed of various shops and restaurants have become the heart and soul of every community, the foundation of retail industry and serves as a social sanctuary for many people.

Visiting a mall is a fun-filled and satisfying experience for many. You can shop almost everything, buy groceries and books, play arcade games, watch movies and eat at food courts, almost all your needs are available in one place. Although e-commerce in on the rise, traditional malls around the world will never become obsolete even in today’s digital age and the increasing popularity of mobile shopping. People still like to shop in the mall as they crave the social aspect and convenience of touching and buying an item on the spot, without waiting or shipping time. Who would not want to get whatever they need under one roof right?

The city brought a lot of changed in human living conditions but the mall brought a lot of conveniences to city living. The mall serves a vital purpose in today’s society as they have become a multi-story building that houses a large number of retailers offering various products and services to people. The success of malls is primarily driven by dedicated developers and retailers who keep on finding ways to attract customers and stay competitive in the increasingly competitive mall industry. Bellmoore Group Inc review and supports changes and planned developments of businessmen to improve the retail offering within the community and to ensure that the needs of people are met.

Bell Moore Group Inc. has been in the industry for more than 25 years, their experiences made them adept in understanding the shifting values and needs of people in the modern world. It keeps abreast in these developments in order to serve the needs of companies in the business world.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review - Ein grundlegender Leitfaden für den Kauf von Kunst für Ihr Zuhause

Es wird oft empfohlen, Kunst auf die Schönheit eines Raumes oder jedes Raumes in einem Haus hinzuzufügen. Sie werden verstehen, seine Verwendung und Bedeutung, sobald Sie sich Ihren Geist, um bestimmte Kunstwerke für Ihr Zuhause zu kaufen. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants weiß, dass Sie sicherlich freuen uns auf die Verwendung von Kunst in der Dekoration einen bestimmten Raum in Ihrem Platz. Wählen Sie unterschiedliche, aber besondere Kunst, die auch Ihre Persönlichkeit definieren können.

Experten im Zusammenhang mit der Kunst auch sagen, dass es irgendeine Form von Energie und Eleganz besitzt. Top Interior Design Magazine enthalten oft dekorierte Räume mit einem oder mehreren Kunstwerken auf Sie. Kunst kann wirklich geben eine Menge positive Gefühle für die Menschen aus diesem Grund ist es in der Regel in Raum Räumen enthalten.

Sie können nach guten Kunstwerken zu Fuß suchen, weil lokale Kunstwerke sind in der Regel schön, wie gut und originell sind, plus die Tatsache, dass Sie oft preiswert. Verwenden Sie einfach Ihre Kreativität, um mehr persönliche Note dem Kunstwerk hinzuzufügen. Ihre Innenarchitektur sollte Sie auch als Person definieren, also füllen Sie Sie mit Kunstgegenständen und Gegenständen, die Sie lieb halten.

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants bereitete ein paar Schritte, um Sie bei der Auswahl der Kunst für Ihr Zuhause zu führen, und jeder ist in der folgenden aufgezählt:

Framing Kunst

Geben Sie Ihrer Kunst einen viel besseren Blick durch Framing es, weil auf diese Weise können Sie auch Raffinesse hinzufügen, um das Kunstwerk. Sie können sogar billige Frames, wo Sie persönlich anpassen können es für einen persönlichen Look.

Ton und Skalierung

Denken Sie daran, den Ton und die Größe der Kunstwerke zu Ihrem Interieur passen. Sie können auch mit verschiedenen Genres zu gehen, aber stellen Sie sicher, den Ton und die Skala Gleichgewicht. Sie können z. b. schwarz-weiß-Fotografien zusammen mit Kohlezeichnungen oder monochromen Bildern einfügen.


Sie können auch einige schöne Collage auf der Wand vor allem, wenn es riesig ist und bietet viel Platz. Stellen Sie kleine Kunststücke zusammen und erstellen Sie ein Collage-Meisterwerk. Sie können verschiedene Größen von Spiegeln oder anderen faszinierenden Objekten Ihrer Wahl verwenden.


Ihre Dekorationen und Gestaltungsarbeiten sollten mit Ihrem innen Thema passen, in dem es traditionelles oder modernes sein kann. Holen Sie sich mehr klassische Stücke für ein traditionelles Thema und zeitgenössische Kunst für ein modernes Konzept.

Lesen und beachten

Magazine können Ihnen sehr helfen, mehr Kunst Ideen, zusammen mit lesen und Schreiben von Informationen aus Dekor-Zeitschriften und Blogs.


Jedes Kunstwerk hat seine einzigartige Bedeutung. Sie müssen mindestens verstehen und schätzen diese Bedeutungen, Wert zu den Kunstwerken für eine lange Zeit zu geben.


Balancing alles ist der Schlüssel zu einem schönen Interieur. Jedes Kunstwerk sollte seinen eigenen Platz haben und sicherstellen, dass auch die richtige Skala. Nach der Umsetzung der Entwürfe an einem Ort, festzustellen, ob es das richtige Gefühl gibt und wenn es eine gute Balance zwischen seinem Inhalt, Farbe und Form erreicht.


In Einklang mit Ihrem Design ist auch empfehlenswert. Das Thema Ihres Interieurs ist Ihr Leitfaden zu mit Verwandten und konsistenten Design. Sie können die Stücke durch ihr Medium, Genre, Künstler oder Farbe zu organisieren.


Wählen Sie die Kunst, die Sie mögen oder lieben, mehr Erfüllung und Glück auf Ihrer Seite zu fühlen. Richtig Design Kunststücke in Ihrem inneren und stellen Sie sicher, alles entsprechend anzupassen.

Wenden Sie sich an Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants für weitere nützliche Tipps und Anleitungen auf mit Kunstwerken in Ihrem Haus, Büro oder persönlichen Raum.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Epilepsy Care Group Singapore Awareness Association: Dietary supplement may help to prevent seizures

Researchers found that a dietary supplement called glucosamine helped to reduce neural excitability in rodents.

A new study reveals how a dietary supplement could be used to reduce excitability in brain cells " a known trigger of seizures " opening the door to possible new treatments for epilepsy.

Researchers speculated that reductions in a protein modification called O-GlcNAcylation in the brain cells of rats and mice might lead to neural excitability, which is a known trigger of seizures.

In the new study, increasing levels of this protein with glucosamine " which is a supplement used to help reduce pain in osteoarthritis, among other conditions " was found to reduce neural excitability in rodents.

The findings not only help to shed light on the processes behind neural excitability, but they may also have identified a new treatment target for epilepsy.

Study co-author Prof. John Chatham, of the Department of Pathology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues recently reported their findings in The Journal of Neuroscience.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is estimated to affect around 3 million adults and 470,000 children in the United States.

The condition is characterized by unpredictable, recurrent seizures, which can occur when brain cells become hyperactive. This may cause surges of electrical activity that disrupt signaling between brain cells.

In a previous study, Prof. Chatham and team found that increases in protein O-GlcNAcylation are associated with a reduction in the strength of synapses in the hippocampus of the brain. Synapses are structures that allow neurons to transmit signals to each other.

The team notes that neural excitability in the hippocampus " or the learning and memory region of the brain " is often implicated in people with epilepsy.

Given their previous findings, the researchers hypothesized that increasing O-GlcNAcylation levels could help to reduce neural excitability, thereby preventing seizures.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Phil Devin Consultants: Helping you find the perfect home

Phil Devin Real Estate has been giving good real estate service since day one and has been a part of many fulfilled dreams of people in having their ideal home in Australia. Phil Devin described it as a small “boutique” type agency environment that concentrates on giving “better service and better results”. Phil is a professional committed to providing the real estate service each client deserves. His many of years of experience give more edge to his real estate knowledge.

Buying a real estate won’t give you a difficult time if you choose Phil Devin to handle it for you. He offers different kind of properties that could match the liking of different clients and you can find it on the list of properties for sale/for auction on Phil Devin Consultants official site.

They have one located in Loganholme that offers an ideal investment opportunity for you. It has a long-term tenant already in place, thus your investment return is certain. There are other properties listed on its site such as the two-storey home in Daisy Hill that has a fresh and refreshing paint and is located in a good spot. Your family will definitely find happiness in this property with its size and convenient features. You won’t also have any problems with the schooling of your children because it is located near different schools and colleges, and it is just a short drive away from the freeway.

Those two properties cited above were not the only listed properties on the site because there are more! Currently, Phil Devin Real Estate also offers a peaceful property located in one of the quiet parts of Holland Park. It is perfect for any family because it offers convenience, good space, and a calm lifestyle.

Finding a place that is located in Hope Island? Phil Devin has one to offer as well. The two-storey home boasts its large dimensions, high ceilings, and glass fenced pool. You and your family will surely have a good time on its huge and private indoor/outdoor living areas.

Phil Devin Real Estate also offers a property in Holland Park West. It looks new because it is just recently renovated and the result is obviously of quality. The good news is that it has a low body corporate fees and low ongoing maintenance as well.

Its official site also presents convenience to those who are interested in buying, selling or renting a property. The list of residential properties for sale and for auction is available on the site, as well as the properties that have been sold.

You can request for an appraisal through their online site and search for a residence that is available for rent. You can also fill-up tenancy application and maintenance request on the site as well.
Get in touch with Phil Devin to know more about the services of Phil Devin Real Estate and witness its genuine and brilliant service.

About Us

Speak to anyone who has experienced the PROCESS of buying or selling Real Estate and often their findings are a combination of stress, disappointment and ultimately compromise! One of my many goals is to ensure your next move is a positive one.

I started Phil Devin Real Estate with one simple mission:  "To deliver RESULTS that exceed our clients EXPECTATIONS".

What does this mean for you?

-I know you're busy and I respect your time. When we set an appointment and I’ll be there.

-When I say something can be done…you can count on it.

-I don't try to snow people or hide information. I'm all about disclosure.

-I’m not in it for any one transaction - I’m in it for the long haul…the lifelong relationships.

-That means I’ll work to get the result you deserve.

Ultimately when you buy or sell with me, it comes down to your decision, what's right for you. My goal is to make sure you have enough information to make a decision you can be happy with down the track. When you choose me to help you buy or sell your home you can count on responsive, quality, comprehensive and personalized service.

"Disappointment is the difference between what a client EXPECTS and what the Agent DELIVERS"

I know that my clients are craving to deal with a 'professional' who can 'listen' to their individual wants and needs and provide solutions for them!

Phil Devin is that professional!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Tokyo MK Taxi: De voordelen van het reizen

Reizen is geweldig op verschillende manieren. Het kan een gevoel van vervulling, de vreugde, de groei en de ervaring toevoegen aan iemands leven. Onderzoekers staat dat reizen zeer gunstig voor uw fysieke, mentale en emotionele gezondheid als goed is. Dus pak uw koffers en afbreken van uw normale routine omdat hier zijn een aantal prachtige voordelen van reizen:

Reizen kun je eigenlijk gezonder.

Wanneer u reist, blootgesteld u zelf aan een andere omgeving waardoor sterker antilichamen en helpt verhoogt uw immuunsysteem aanzienlijk. Bovendien, studies vastgesteld dat mensen die ten minste twee keer per jaar reizen een lager risico tonen van lijden aan een hartaanval dan degenen die dat niet doen neem een jaarlijkse vakantie.

Reizen kan verlichten uw stress.

Hoewel geconfronteerd met vertragingen of verlies van bagage in een buitenlandse luchthaven zeker iemands angst stimuleren kan, is het wetenschappelijk bewezen dat reizen kan stress niveaus lager, verhogen van uw geluk en uw depressie verminderen. En deze voordelen de neiging naar de laatste weken na afloop van de reis.

Het is het beste om te kiezen voor een chauffeur service zodra uw vlucht geland om te voorkomen dat de stress van zich het ongerust maken hoe om uw verdere bestemmingen te bereiken. Daarom is het belangrijk om vooruit te plannen niet alleen uw vlucht en accommodatie maar ook een betrouwbaar vervoermiddel om u duidelijk te maken waar u wilt zijn. Met de hulp van Tokyo MK Taxi zul een taxi en chauffeur dienstverlenend weg te nemen, globaal bedrijf nooit je ongerust maken over het bereiken van uw bestemmingen op tijd, met stijl en comfort.

Studies zeggen dat reizen in een vreemde plaats kan ook u meer creatief. Adam Galinsky, een professor aan de Columbia Business School die studies dat de relatie tussen creativiteit en internationale reizen verklaarde dat buitenlandse ervaringen vergroten zowel cognitieve flexibiliteit, diepte en integratie van gedachte, het vermogen om diepe verbindingen tussen verschillende vormen te maken. De nieuwe taal, smaken, sensaties, geluiden, geuren en milieu sparks verschillende synapsen in de hersenen waardoor de geest te revitaliseren en meer creatief.

Reizen kan opvoeren, geluk en tevredenheid

Reizen is een ideale bron van geluk voor elke één van ons. In een studie komt de impuls in opwinding en geluk van eenvoudige daden van de planning van de vakantie, de verpakking van uw outfits en de planning van uw route. Al deze eenvoudige dingen kunnen positieve invloed op iemands welzijn.

Als u wenst te reizen met comfort en stijl, kan kiezen voor Tokio MK groot voor u werken. Tokyo MK Taxi functies Lexus groep liefhebbers high-class sedans - Lexus LS600hL en Lexus LS460. Van luxe auto's zoals Mercedes Benz S500L naar Toyota Crown Royal Saloon is er een auto aan uw verschillende behoeften.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing - Jakarta’s Old Town to Host 2017 Asean Literary Festival

Jakarta. Jakarta's Old Town, or Kota Tua, is set to host the 2017 Asean Literary Festival on August 3-6. The festival will be attended by writers, scholars and artists from over 20 countries.

This year is the fourth anniversary of the festival and coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Association of South East Asian Nation, or Asean.

One of the founders and the program director of the festival, Okky Madasari, said ALF will carry the theme of "Beyond Imagination" this year, with a goal to make culture and literature a central part of life in Asean member countries.

"We are one big community," Okky said on Sunday (11/06), adding that the festival also focuses on introducing the achievements of Asean writers to global audience.

"This is an important role for ALF. Only literature and culture can create a true bond between us. Relying only on economic and political partnerships will leave 'Asean community' as a mere slogan, an empty rhetoric," she said.

This year, the ALF is fully supported by the Indonesian Education and Culture Ministry, Tourism Ministry and Foreign Ministry.

As it does every year, ALF has a series of warm-up events in store, among them "Sastra Masuk Kampung" (Literature Goes to Kampung), a residency program to introduce literature to local communities. This year they will also have a national jamboree of literature.

Discussions — arguably the highlight of the festival — will be centered on the topics of freedom of expression amid increasing radicalism and the constant threat of terrorism, and the central role social media plays in everyday life.

The festival will also feature art performances, culinary workshops and a book fair.

The Tourism Ministry’s marketing development deputy, Esthy Reko Astuti, praised the festival, saying it would be an interesting event for Kota Tua and a marquee event for Indonesia's literary community.

"ALF has shown literature adds many different colors to people's perception of Indonesia," Esthy said last Friday.

"Literature encourages people to exchange ideas and thoughts," she added.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya had announced Kota Tua as one of ten priority tourist destinations in Indonesia along with Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Tanjung Kelayang in Belitung, Tanjung Lesung in Banten, Borobudur Temple in Central Java, the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java, Mandalika in Lombok, Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara, Wakatobi in Southeast Sulawesi and Morotai in North Maluku.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism: Indonesia to promote golf tourism in Japan

The Tourism Ministry is set to hold the 2017 Indonesia Golf Sales Mission event in Katori city, northern Chiba Prefecture, Japan, on June 8.

This event is part of the ministry’s effort to achieve this year’s target of welcoming 762,000 Japanese tourists to Indonesia.

“Four sellers are set to participate in this event, namely Bali Fantastic, Riverside Golf Club, Multi Holiday and the Garuda Indonesia [branch] in Tokyo. They are at the frontlines in selling golf travel packages to 50 buyers consisting of travel agents, golf communities and associations in Katori,” said I Gde Pitana, the ministry's deputy for overseas promotion.

The event, supported by the Indonesian Embassy in Japan, Visit Indonesia Tourism Office (VITO) Japan and the Indonesian Golf Course Owners Association (APLGI), will be held at the Narita no Mori Country Club.

The ministry's deputy assistant for Asia Pacific tourism promotion, Vinsensius Jemadu, said the sales mission will promote Indonesia's 10 priority destinations of Lake Toba, Tanjung Kelayang, Tanjung Lesung, Thousand Islands, Borobudur temple, Bromo - Tengger - Semeru, Mandalika, Wakatobi, Labuan Bajo and Morotai.

“A number of foreign and local investors are invited to develop these destinations. But apart from them, the historic relations between Japan and Indonesia have resulted in plenty of Japanese caves located across the archipelago. The tight relationship between the two countries was also evidenced during Japan’s fifth anniversary  of the tsunami disaster a few months ago at the Aceh Tsunami Museum,” said Vinsensius.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Devin Fitzpatrick Interior Consultant - Profiel

Opgroeien met een vader in de gastvrijheidsindustrie in het hele land, werden Devin van ogen getrokken naar mooie en inspirerende interieurs op een vroege leeftijd. Na grade school in de omgeving van Boston en middelbare school in Zuid-Californië haalde Devin een Bachelor of Arts graad in Art History cum laude en een Master of Arts graad in interieur. Na de verhuizing naar Seattle, werkte ze voor een residentiële architect voor twee jaar, en vervolgens als een Senior Designer bij NB Design Group, een award-winnende residentiële en commerciële interieur ontwerpbureau. Gedurende deze tijd, ze leiden projecten voor Forbes 400 cliënten en hun landgoederen, werkte samen met architecten op ontwerp en herinrichting high-end residenties, beheerde centrum condo renovaties en verbouwingen en verstrekte raadpleging voor meubels, afwerkingen en verf kleuren voor talrijke huizen in de Pacific Northwest. Verschillende van haar projecten bekroond en zijn gekenmerkt in publicaties zoals Luxe, zonsondergang, renovatie stijl en Seattle huizen en levensstijlen.

Terwijl het behalen van haar Master's degree, voortgezet Devin herinterest in kunst en de kunstnijverheid. Haar proefschrift "The interrelatie van Art en ruimte: een onderzoek van laat de 19e en begin van de 20e eeuw Europese schilderkunst," de Joel Polsky Achievement Award ontvangen de ASID Education Foundation en is gekenmerkt in de IIDA Knowledge Center. In 2010, Devin nam een sabbatical zomer en verdere studie van de kunst aan de NYU nagestreefd en verdiende een certificaat in beoordeling Studies van Fine en decoratieve Kunsten.

Devin woont in Maple Leaf met haar echtgenoot, Scot Eckley, een landschap ontwerper en aannemer. Hun tuin is featured in talloze publicaties en favoriete stop op lokale tuin tours. Devin en Scot delen hun tuin en huis met hun jonge dochter en zoon.

Klik hier voor meer interessante informatie over Devin Fitzpatrick interieur Consultant

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing - Missing the Boat

So you’re visiting an island for the day – maybe enjoying a few cold ones – and lose track of time – OOPS! To the many readers who have asked “will the ship leave without me?” - The answer is a definitive YOU BETCHA! Cruise ships run on a schedule – X-number of hours to dock at the next port, and they stick to it.

The only time Lorraine has seen exceptions to “departure time” is when a ship-approved shore excursion is running late – then there is a wait for passengers to return – otherwise, you need to be prepared to find your own way to the next port. She personally witnessed a group of six or eight late arrivals in Cozumel running down the pier yelling “WAIT! WAIT! COME BACK!” as the ship pulled away –someone from a balcony yelled to them “get a watch!”

Be sure to keep time a priority when ashore – especially when return to the ship involves a “tender” ride. The line for tenders gets longer and longer as the day wears on and while you may think you have plenty of time, you could be in for a rude awakening! The closest Lorraine has come to “missing the boat” was in Costa Maya. She was happily consuming “cold Sols” and did not realize that her watch had stopped - no problem – the port’s time was one hour different than ship’s time. She leisurely browsed the shops –priced-out a Costa Maya condo (like in her dreams) – and returned to the ship at what she thought was an hour before the posted “Guests Onboard” time. There she was on the Lido Deck enjoying a coffee when the ship began to move – OMG! It turns out the port’s time difference was one hour, BUT in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Had she not returned when she did, the only way home from Costa Maya (the ship’s final port) would have been a minimum 2 hour cab ride to the nearest regional airport to get a flight to Mexico City to get a flight to Houston. Hullo? her passport was locked in the safe on the ship.

And, once Lorraine and daughter got caught short in Key West – departure time was Midnight and “passengers onboard” was 11:30 – well – at 11:10 we were at the opposite end of Duval Street in some sleazy bar……you have never seen two panicked people move so fast! Then on a later cruise, daughter (with Lorraine as co-conspirator) was frighteningly late returning to the ship in Acapulco!

In retrospect, we laugh about our “near misses” – but at the time, believe me – THEY WERE SCARY!

Have you ever had a “close encounter” or witnessed one? Let Lorraine know – she loves your input!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Wine Connoisseurs Rejoice! The Galveston Island Food & Wine Festival is back

Red or white? And what food choice might you prefer with your favorite wines?

These are the questions – no doubt fun decisions to make – facing those who attend the 2017 Galveston Island Food & Wine Festival. This year’s festival, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, May 5-6, will have no shortage of food and wine choices making the above questions very easy to answer.

There will be wines from nearly two dozen vineyards, each with their own varieties and blends. And restaurants from across Galveston and the Greater Houston Area will be serving up hors d’oeuvres for some of the festival’s wine-tasting events that include the following, according to the festival’s website:

·         The Blind Tasting. Guests will swirl, sniff and sip their way through more than 100 red and white wines. Each bottle wears a disguise so attendees must rely solely on their palate to discern the story behind each vintage and vote its attributes. The three top scoring red and white wines from rounds one and two will advance to the Chaine des Rôtisseurs Dinner where one will be named the festival’s Grand Champion.
·         The Premium Tasting. Those attending will taste fine wines from the participating vineyards and indulge in heavy hors d’oeuvres provided by the participating restaurants. This exclusive event is available to a limited number of attendees so purchase tickets early.
·         The Grand Tasting. Dishes will be presented as tapas-style plates as they sip an impressive array of wines. This event includes a souvenir wine glass, event program with complete list of wines, and bottomless samples of more than 100 vintages.

Another event is the Chaine des Rôtisseurs Dinner, where invited guests will blind taste the top three red and three white wines selected during the preliminary blind tasting, to determine the festival’s Grand Champion, Grand Reserve Champion and Reserve Champion. The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is the oldest and largest food and wine society in the world comprised of gourmands, gourmets, gastronomes, chefs, restaurateurs, hoteliers, winery owners and others.

Other activities include a “Meet the Chefs” event, a 5K Run, and pre-festival events yet to be finalized. There’s also a poster contest for artists to create an image for the festival’s official 2017 poster. All entrants must submit a high-resolution digital copy of their work by April 7. The winner will be notified via email on April 14 by 5:00pm. Any two-dimensional media may be used to design the poster.

Promoters and organizers urge those interested to purchase a VIP Premium + Grand Tasting Package Ticket. When purchased together, you will receive entry to the Premium Tasting and early VIP entry into The Grand Tasting, allowing you to skip the lines and have more one-on-one time with the vineyard and restaurant representatives.

VIP Entry begins at 1:00pm on Saturday, May 6th and includes a souvenir wine glass and festival program with full list of featured wines. Separate event ticket prices range from $30 to $156, which covers the Premium and Grand Tasting package. For more information on the poster contest, tickets, event times and venues: http://www.galvestonfoodandwinefestival.com/

Other activities include a “Meet the Chefs” event, a 5K Run, and pre-festival events yet to be finalized. There’s also a poster contest for artists to create an image for the festival’s official 2017 poster. All entrants must submit a high-resolution digital copy of their work by April 7. The winner will be notified via email on April 14 by 5:00pm. Any two-dimensional media may be used to design the poster.

Promoters and organizers urge those interested to purchase a VIP Premium + Grand Tasting Package Ticket. When purchased together, you will receive entry to the Premium Tasting and early VIP entry into The Grand Tasting, allowing you to skip the lines and have more one-on-one time with the vineyard and restaurant representatives.

VIP Entry begins at 1:00pm on Saturday, May 6th and includes a souvenir wine glass and festival program with full list of featured wines. Separate event ticket prices range from $30 to $156, which covers the Premium and Grand Tasting package.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing - Top Things to Do In Galveston, TX

There is no shortage of things to do when you stay at The Tremont House. And they're only a short distance from our Wyndham Grand Hotel. Some of the major annual events include Dickens on the Strand, Mardi Gras, and Lone Star Motorcycle Rally.  Peruse the original work of regional artists at Galveston Arts Center. Treat yourself to a show at Grand 1894 Opera House. Explore the Texas A&M University at Galveston campus where students delve deeply into marine and maritime studies. You can also take a cruise on major lines like Carnival or Royal Caribbean from the Port of Galveston.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Seafood Restaurants: 10 Best Restaurant Reviews


Certain restaurants are known for their expertise at turning out signature dishes really well. They've pinned down the ingredients, mastered the process, and gained a strong following as a result. Galveston has had much success cultivating great restaurants and creating a substantial market for Seafood. Locals can't get enough of the city's excellent food, and you'll often find them, along with eager tourists, at popular Gaido's Seafood Restaurant or at Clary's, a major player in the field. Make sure you see what all the fuss is about!


Clary's has a lot to live up to as a seafood restaurant in a coastal city, and this restaurant handles the task beautifully. As one of the finest restaurants in Galveston, seafood or otherwise, Clary's treats diners to scenic bay views and an quality selection of dishes, including a mouthwatering lump crab dish in a velvety cheese sauce. Other all-star dishes are fettuccini Alfredo with crabmeat, broiled flounder, and gumbo (crawfish served seasonally).


There are no trappings of pretension at Fisherman's Wharf–just great food at a reasonable price. The fried calamari or red snapper dishes are excellent choices, and a wide selection of pasta, beef, and sandwich plates are also available. An extra perk is the restaurant's location on a restored pier where diners can eat outdoors and watch the shrimp boats return home with the day's catch.


Ever since its opening in 1911, Gaido's has been concerned with freshness and a personal touch. Chefs shuck, peel, and filet by hand, giving each dish the special attention it needs to come out perfect. Garlic snapper, crab cakes, and shrimp bisque are just a few of the succulent menu items diners enjoy. The atmosphere is perfect for a romantic evening or a business dinner.


Landry's has become a seafood staple in Galveston and all along the Gulf Coast. One of the main reasons is the vast seafood menu comprised of dishes like shrimp Creole, herb-crusted red snapper, broiled flounder, gumbo, clam chowder and grilled mahi mahi. There are plenty of other choices as well, including salads, pastas and steak for the landlubber. Casual and family friendly, the restaurant is great for groups.


Rudy & Paco takes traditional seafood staples like flounder and crab and turns them into something special thanks to South American culinary touches. Try crab or shrimp antojitos (appetizers) before moving on to a main dish of seafood, steak, or chicken cooked with Nicaraguan flair. Large and inviting, the restaurant becomes packed on weekends, so make reservations.


In-the-know locals swarm to this hip restaurant to enjoy stylish seafood prepared in an open kitchen. Always concerned with freshness, the chefs serve a variety of seasonal dishes. Notable selections include grilled yellow fin tuna with chili sauce, "Big Daddy's Gumbo," pan-seared red snapper, and herb-crusted halibut. Homemade desserts are an added plus.


Willie G's is an institution in and unto itself and is recognized not only in Galveston but also across the US as a top destination for seafood. Choose spicy blackened snapper for a real treat, or go with an expertly prepared favorite like grilled flounder, gulf shrimp, or a grilled tuna sandwich. Juicy Angus steaks are also available.


Mario's serves classic Italian dishes like spaghetti and lasagna, as well as great seafood entrees teeming with fresh shrimp, snapper, and crab – but the main draw is pizza. The New York-style pies have kept patrons returning again and again, and now Mario's serves wood-burning gourmet pizzas to tempt a new generation. The restaurant's family atmosphere is great for the entire clan.


Diners can choose a number of tastes at Cajun Greek's to satisfy their palates. The horseshoe-shaped counter welcomes guests who want poboys, boiled crawdads, and catfish as equally as those who desire fresh blackened flounder, gyros, and shrimp Mediterranean. A house specialty is Cajun Greek Snapper, but if you're in the mood for something less adventurous, they also serve a variety of burgers and sandwiches.


Crave no further if you want authentic Mexican cuisine or Mexican cuisine with a twist. Diners at Salsas Mexican & Seafood Restaurant can choose a traditional dish like beef fajitas and enchiladas or go "coastal" with a shrimp fajita or fish taco. On the lighter side, the restaurant serves a "Gringo Salad"–that's without the shell–and a just-right shrimp cocktail. After work, the margaritas flow freely and the patio fills with happy hour regulars.

Monday, March 20, 2017


The 2017 Lexus LS is set to get a hydrogen fuel cell powertrain variant which is set to be release in 2019. It is likely that its technology will be very similar to the LF-FC’s, meaning it may have one electric motor driving the rear wheels and two in-wheel motors sending power to the front.

It is worth nothing that just recently, spy photographers have caught the first prototype of the 2017 Lexus LS testing on the road. The car is still covered though by a thick black canvas color prompting that it will be a completely new design.

The fourth generation of the saloon representation of Lexus has been in business since 2006 so it is clear that a huge update is needed to be done for the 2017 Lexus LS as their main rivals have already surpassed the Japanese brand since all have modern versions of their models. One of them is the BMW 7 Series, which in the same time interval has launched three generations.

At the moment many details about the flagship of Lexus, the 2017 Lexus LS are still unknown, but recent news from Carscoops say that the executive saloon will feature the new global architecture of the company and offer gasoline powered V8 and V6 engines as well as a hydrogen variant set to arrive in 2019. For its part, Toyota recorded the LS500 and LS500h denominations last year, confirming these speculations.

Head of Lexus said that they know and have the technology of hydrogen fuel cells. The only challenge is how to package a fuel cell in a car that also needs a certain level of performance such as the 2017 Lexus LS. The premium buyers have certain expectations that needs to be maintain according to DriveSpark.

Rumors suggest that the 2017 Lexus LS will have a mechanical hydrogen fuel cell. If so, it would be one that would inherit all the advances in hydrogen than the group has been performing with the version of Toyota Mirai. This could mean that it will equip with an electric motor on the rear train and two on the front wheels.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Lexus Group Enthusiast dealers await halo car, more utility vehicles

Michael O'Brien has been chairman of the Lexus National Dealer Advisory Council since January 2016 during a time of near-record sales and the continuing shift of consumers toward utility vehicles over traditional sedans.

O'Brien, 60, also was chairman during much tougher times, in 2009-10, when he preached dealership discipline to get through the downturn in the luxury market.

He owns O'Brien Auto Group in the state of Washington, with two Lexus dealerships in Bellevue and Tacoma. The group has other luxury and nonluxury brands that stretch into Portland, Ore.

O'Brien is excited about the coming Lexus halo car, the LC 500 coupe, and sees better SUV and crossover availability in 2017, bolstering the brand's already enviable position in the luxury market.

He was interviewed by Staff Reporter Laurence Iliff in December.

Q: How was 2016 for Lexus dealers?

A: Overall, the industry was good. Lexus business is down slightly -- but 2015 was a record year for the brand. All in all, it was a really solid year, but it didn't feel like a mid-17 million SAAR.

What major issues do Lexus dealers face?

Capitalizing on the shift in the market to SUVs. It took several months to right-size dealer inventory with the right amount of SUVs.

What do you hope to accomplish as chairman of the dealer council?

I want to help bring the right product at the right time so we can compete in all categories.

How best could the factory help dealers sell more vehicles?

We need to have the right vehicles at the right time with competitive incentives. We have a great relationship with Lexus -- they listen to our needs and concerns and are very responsive.

Is Lexus adding dealerships?

In the last several years, Lexus has only added a few stores in markets where they need representation. For Lexus dealers this is a nonissue.

Do you expect to see more or less leasing for Lexus in 2017?

Leasing is a core part of Lexus' overall customer retention strategy -- and we expect it to stay about the same.

Are inventory levels a concern?

There was a concern, but it has gotten much better. We expect to finish the fourth quarter very strong and to start 2017 off with great SUV availability.

Is there anything specific Lexus is doing to support dealer profit as volume flattens out?

Lexus has made the adjustments to inventory to build more SUVs and cut back on sedan production.

What products are you looking forward to?

Dealers are looking forward to having a halo sports car with the LC 500.

What would you like to see Lexus do to help dealers handle more service business?

Service business is up as Lexus has seen very solid growth in our customer-pay service business year-to-date. In addition to ensuring Lexus and its dealers continue to take tremendous care of Lexus customers to maximize retention, they have also been very proactive in providing new ways to drive more service business to our stores.

One great example: our biannual nationally promoted Exclusive Tire Events. These have gone a long way to ensuring our owners know their Lexus dealer can handle all of their service and maintenance needs, including tires.

Another example is our new Enform Service Connect technology, which has been available for about a year. Through the vehicle telematics system, Lexus owners who opt-in for Service Connect have added peace of mind with visibility to vehicle health reports. Owners can be reminded via email or a service alert in their vehicle when they have maintenance due. A great dealer advantage to Service Connect is our improved visibility into a guest's needs as we also can see these health reports. We now can proactively contact a guest to schedule maintenance, providing a personalized, elevated guest experience.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Lexus Group Enthusiast goes wild at the 2017 Tokyo Auto Salon

The Tokyo Auto Salon is recognized as the first major car event of the year but it is also one of the world’s biggest and most entertaining. Held annually in Chiba’s futuristic waterfront district, the show is dedicated to Japan’s thriving tuning scene. And like the automotive equivalent of a New Year’s resolution, trends launched here have a habit of affecting other western markets for the rest of the year.

The diversity of cars displayed at the huge Makuhari Messe venue is astounding. If you can imagine any genre, sub-genre or niche within the automotive aftermarket, you will be able to find a company with designs on it. Fortunately, the fact that Lexus specializes in delivering a luxury experience has focused the outcome somewhat, but that hasn’t stopped companies using that theme to embrace new challenges.

Leading the way here was Lexus itself, revealing the new production-based Lexus RC F GT3 to the world’s stage. This carbon-skinned beast will be unleashed in North America in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship under 3GT Racing, and in the GT300 class of Japan’s Super GT series under the LMcorsa team. If that wasn’t dramatic enough, Lexus also showed its bold new competitor (above and below) for the highest echelon of the Super GT series, GT500. Come the start of the 2017 race season the new LC 500 racer will be adorned in team livery but we can’t help thinking that the naked dry carbon offers an incredibly intimidating, Batmobile effect.

Showing what the new challenger had to live up to, the LC 500 stood alongside last year’s champion – the Denso Kobelco Sard RC F driven by Heikki Kovalainen and Kohei Hirate.
Talking of Sard, the tuner’s race experience has been put to good use in development of a new LSR Edition aerodynamic system for the RC model. The full package is shown below, which consists of a carbon fibre front splitter, vented bonnet and neat ducktail rear spoiler. Also fitted is the company’s exhaust, chassis and brake components.

Super GT was also the inspiration for fellow tuner/race team TOM’S, which put on a masterclass of understatement with a pair of current F-line cars decked in spotlight-popping Sonic Silver. Would you believe that a total of 26 different products enhance this GS F below, extending from body and chassis to engine and interior. Definitely one of our favourite cars of the show.

Similar thinking was applied by Novel, which also displayed an RC F and GS F, alongside its race-prepared IS F that came third-in-class in last year’s 24 Hours of Nürburgring. Products fitted to the race car have informed the development of an attractive yet functional series of aero, chassis and engine parts.Carbon-over-white colour schemes are popular among Lexus tuners, especially those which aim to retain an air of restrained dignity with their demo cars. This was true of the subtle Black Label RX and IS models displayed by Artisan Spirits

At first glance, the Lexus IS below appears to follow a similar theme. But look a little more closely and you realise that it is a second-generation model with a spindle grille conversion. This convincing makeover is produced by Fixer and is also available for the fourth-generation LS – a modification that might prove popular following the announcement of the next-generation flagship.

If there is one area of the aftermarket that Lexus has got sewn up, it’s VIP style. Contrary to the perceived understanding of the initials, VIP isn’t a who, it’s a trend associated with large, rear-wheel drive cars. Always impossibly low-slung, the style requires the right stance – dished alloys and negative camber geometry in order to squeeze the widest possible wheels within the arches. Cars modified in a VIP style are not about going fast, they’re designed to cruise along and look good.

T Demand’s GS 350 (above) exemplified this VIP approach, using its air suspension system and staggered SSR 19-inch wheel set-up to achieve the desired effect. However, the car’s incredibly shiny black paint reflected every surface and made it almost impossible to see. A similar approach is also seen on this RC F Sport on the XO Luxury Wheels stand.

From this foundation, all sorts of fun and games ensues as tuners take the rule book and rip it to shreds. Which is precisely what the Tokyo Auto Salon is all about.

Vehicle stance is being pushed beyond the boundaries of surrounding bodywork. Just because the top of the tyre needs to be covered by the body, that doesn’t mean the rest of the wheel has to. This is seen in 326 Power’s show-stopping RC 350 below, the rear tyres of which are so stretched over the alloys that the rims sit a good 40mm proud of the sidewalls.

Wide wheels do not have to mean stretched tyres, as the popularity of race-inspired over-fenders has now been adopted by the VIP crowd in order to increase the car’s footprint. For instance, Aimgain’s Lexus LS 460 F Sport (below) manages to completely swallow its 21-inch Savini alloys with the help of a JUN VIP GT aero kit, which includes front and rear over-fenders that are 50 and 80mm wider than standard respectively.